So, your grandmother got hit by a car in Maryland. First off, let’s take a moment to appreciate that she’s okay (or at least on the mend). Grandmas are tough cookies, aren’t they? But now comes the not-so-fun part: dealing with insurance. Here’s a simple guide to help you navigate this process, with a sprinkle of humor to keep things light.

Step 1: Ensure Grandma’s Safety

Before diving into the insurance jungle, make sure your grandmother is receiving the best medical care. Health comes first, always. Plus, you don’t want her to use her cane on you for not prioritizing her well-being!

Step 2: Gather Information

Collect all the necessary details about the accident. This includes the driver’s information, witness statements, and any police reports. Think of it as a scavenger hunt, but instead of finding treasures, you’re collecting evidence. Fun, right?

Step 3: Contact the Insurance Company

Now, it’s time to contact the insurance company. This can be as enjoyable as watching paint dry, but it’s a necessary evil. Be prepared to provide all the gathered information and answer a ton of questions. Remember, patience is key. Maybe even have a cup of tea ready – you’ll need it.

Step 4: Understand Maryland’s Insurance Laws

Maryland has specific laws regarding car accidents and insurance. For instance, every driver must have liability coverage, which pays for injuries and property damage caused by the accident1. Also, Maryland follows a contributory negligence rule, meaning if your grandmother is found even 1% at fault, she might not get any compensation2. Harsh, but true.

Step 5: Negotiating the Settlement

This is where things get interesting. The insurance company will likely offer a settlement. Don’t accept the first offer! It’s usually lower than what you deserve. Think of it as haggling at a flea market. You wouldn’t pay full price for that vintage lamp, would you? So, negotiate!

Step 6: Legal Assistance

If the insurance company is being a tough nut to crack, consider hiring a lawyer. They can help you get the best possible settlement. Plus, having a lawyer might make the insurance company take you more seriously. It’s like bringing a big dog to a small dog fight.

Step 7: Finalizing the Settlement

Once you’ve agreed on a settlement, make sure everything is in writing. This includes the amount, what it covers, and any other terms. Read the fine print – you don’t want any surprises later. And voila, you’re done!


Dealing with insurance after your grandmother gets hit by a car in Maryland can be a daunting task. But with the right information and a bit of humor, you can navigate this process smoothly. Just remember to keep your grandmother’s health as the top priority and don’t be afraid to negotiate for what she deserves.

1: Maryland Car Accident Settlement Process and Timeline 2: Insurance Settlement Options After a Maryland Car Accident

Good luck, and give your grandmother a hug from me!