Dealing with home insurance claims can be a real pain in the you-know-what. But sometimes, you just gotta call in the big guns – a home insurance lawyer. Here’s when it makes sense to hire one:

  1. Your claim is as complex as a Rubik’s cube. If you have a massive, complicated case and think a lawyer can get you more moolah than you’d get on your own, it’s time to lawyer up. [1]
  2. You’re busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest. If your time is better spent working, taking care of your family, or making money in other ways than becoming an insurance expert, consider hiring a lawyer. [1]
  3. The insurance company is playing hardball. If there’s a huge claim amount, the fault is hard to prove, or there’s a huge gap between what you want and what the insurance company is offering, a lawyer can help you even the playing field. [1]
  4. You need someone to translate the insurance mumbo-jumbo. Lawyers can help you understand the legal jargon and technicalities in your policy before you even file a claim. [1]

What Type of Lawyer Should You Hire?

When it comes to home insurance claims, you want a specialist, not a jack-of-all-trades. As the saying goes, “If you chase two rabbits, you’ll end up catching neither.” [1]

How to Handle a Low Settlement Offer

If the insurance company offers you a settlement that’s lower than a snake’s belly, don’t take it lying down. Here are some tips:

  1. Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate. Propose a counter offer backed by facts on why your payout should be higher. [1]
  2. Get some backup. If you need professional help to negotiate a better settlement, consider hiring a lawyer. Insurance companies may try to lowball you if they figure out you’re approaching them without legal advice. [1]
  3. Document everything. Lack of evidence is one of the top reasons for a denial or low settlement. Make sure you have all your ducks in a row. [1]


When it comes to home insurance claims, sometimes you need to call in the cavalry (a.k.a. a lawyer). But before you do, make sure your claim is complex enough to justify the cost and that you’ve exhausted all other options. And remember, hiring a lawyer doesn’t guarantee you’ll get a bigger payout – it just increases your chances of getting a fair shake.
